
Kamis, 29 Juli 2010

Introducing My Self

Hi, friends. Do you know with me? Ok, if you don't know with me , I will introduce my self. My name is Welinda Febrianti. My sur name is Elin and you know that my friends and my parents also call me Elin, But my best friends usually call me Chelintz. So you can call me one of my name whom you like.
I live at Prumnas Prabu Indah block F.3 number 14 earth Prabumulih, On Sumatra street near Nusa street. You can come to my house if you want to meet me and I will welcome you. My house is green, not too far from Nusa street. so I think not too difficult to find my house. Ok, I wait you to come to house.
I am a student in SMAN 2 Prabumulih. I still class X and my classroom is X.7. I am very proud that I can school in international school SMAN 2 Prabumulih. I love all of teachers and my friends in SMAN 2 Prabumulih very much.
Do you like singing? I like singing too. You know that why? it's because for me, no day without singing, although my voice is not so good. Singing is my hobby, I think some people also like singing as me.
Well friends, I think enough until here my introduce about my self, thank you very much.

Arti Sahabat

Kau hadir berikan kebahagian untuk ku
Tak perduli perbedaan yg hadir di antara kita
jalani hari-hari dgn penuh keceriaan
ku rangkai impian bersama mu
tuk menggapai harapan d masa yg akan dtg
Ku ukir senyuman yg dulu hilang
berharap semua keabadian datang
wlaupun perselisihan hadir dan menentang
tak mmbuat warna persahabatan mnjadi kelam